Cao was first elected to Congress in 2008 from the solidly Democratic district in New Orleans, a surprising victory against Rep. William Jefferson, who was convicted (and later convicted) on charges of corruption. During his life, he was a child refugee from Vietnam, a former Jesuit seminarian and a lawyer.
Cao district voted 75% -23% for Barack Obama in 2008, but Cao was able to defeat Jefferson in the December elections (which took place at that time due to the rescheduling of some of Louisiana's congressional elections, due to a hurricane). Cao had been reluctant to vote for this bill - which is strongly pro-life and wanted full assurances that abortion would not be funded - but their vote for final approval after the approval of the Amendment Stupak, could give a positive card to play with Democratic voters.
Ironically, just after Cao was elected, the House Republican Party boasted of his surprise victory as a sign of return of the Republican Party, and that presents a way for future victories. Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) said: "The future belongs to Joseph Cao."
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